In the year 1960, Doctor Landrum B. Shettles developed the Shettles Method, a method that even nowadays is one of the most popular amongst couples when it comes to choosing their baby’s gender before conception.
During the past few decades since the development of his method, several editions of Dr. Shettles book “How to Choose the Sex of Your Baby” have been published and sold, which renders at least a decent amount of credibility to Dr. Shettles findings.
What is even more, the book sports hundreds of reviews and appraisals from couples who have effectively succeeded in choosing the gender of their baby using the Shettles Method, granting it an impressive level of effectiveness that ranges between 75% and 90%.
However, there are those who oppose Dr. Shettles findings, claiming that there is no sufficient scientific proof that can attest for the method’s effectiveness, and that the method might even make conception more difficult than it should be.
However, there are those who oppose Dr. Shettles findings, claiming that there is no sufficient scientific proof that can attest for the method’s effectiveness, and that the method might even make conception more difficult than it should be.
Behind the Shettles Method
As is well known, the ovum carries the chromosome X which, if fertilized by a sperm carrying the X chromosome as well, the resulting baby will be a little girl, while if fertilized by a sperm carrying the chromosome Y will result in a little baby boy.
The basis of the Shettles Method lies in the differences between sperm particles with either the X or the Y chromosome. The method states that sperm with the male chromosome (just “male sperm” from here onwards) is faster than the “female sperm” but is at the same time both weaker and smaller.
Considering this, the Shettles Method issues a series of recommendations as to how to perform the sexual act – including time, posture and other specific suggestions – in order to optimize the “environment” for the sperm within the vaginal cavity.
Thus, the Shettles Method – depending on whether couples wishes for a baby boy or a baby girl – recommends the following:
Thus, the Shettles Method – depending on whether couples wishes for a baby boy or a baby girl – recommends the following:
To conceive a baby boy: In order to conceive a baby boy the main characteristics of the chromosome Y – the one that carries the male gender – need to be considered. According to the Shettles Method, the sperm carrying this chromosome is, faster, but also smaller and overall more fragile, even dying more easily than the ones carrying the chromosome X. Thus, the Shettles Method recommends having intercourse during the days near the ovulation.
Additionally, it is recommended for penetration to be as deep as possible in order to provide sperm with an additional advantage for it to reach the ovum faster. As for the woman, it is recommended for her to achieve orgasm during intercourse, thus making the vaginal cavity more alkaline, providing sperm with the ideal “environment” for conception.
To conceive a baby girl: One the other hand, we have sperm that carries the chromosome X – the one responsible for the female gender. The sperm carrying this chromosome tends to be slower, but also stronger overall, staying alive within the uterus for longer periods of time.
The Shettles Method recommends couples hoping to conceive a baby girl to have intercourse around two or three days before ovulation, making it almost impossible for sperms carrying the chromosome Y to survive when the ovum is ready to conceive.
Additionally, the Shettles Method recommends that penetration in this case should be shallow, and that the woman should avoid achieving orgasm, thus making the vaginal cavity a little bit more acid. All of this will maximize the chances of conceiving a baby girl.
Further Considerations
The Shettles Method also provides some very specific recommendations that can improve the chances of success for couples seeking to decide the sex of their babies.
One of these recommendations in particular deserves some attention and cautionary words due to its potentially harmful effects. Regarding the vaginal cavity, at some point the Shettles Method recommends to performs special cleansing sessions in order to make the vaginal cavity either more acid or alkaline. However, while these cleansing sessions might prove effective, if not performed in the right way they might harm a woman.
That said, while there will always be detractors of this or almost any other method to choose one’s baby’s gender, the truth is that methods like the Shettles one are almost entirely harmless, based on a certain level of logic and most of all, supported by thousands of couples who have successfully implemented it.
Considering this, any couple considering using this method to choose the gender of their baby can safely implement it as long as it is done carefully and in an informed way.
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