Apr 13, 2012

How To Have A Boy - 3 Proven Ways To Conceive a Boy

One of the most curious aspects of modern medicine, is just how much it has improved in almost every aspect, while at the same time remaining just as clueless about others, like gender choosing or gender prediction. 

In fact, it is because of this lack of scientific methods that a great number of couples turn to what can be considered more “informal” and in some cases even “exotic” gender prediction methods that offer little to no certainty of success when trying to conceive a baby boy.

Now, the fact that one method is not backed by scientific proof does not mean that it is completely informal, or that is will not be effective.

Considering this, let’s take a closer look at three methods that all offer quite different approaches, but that all possess a certain level of accuracy, as well as being backed by countless testimonials of couples that have found success with them when determining the sex of their babies to be a baby boy.

The Shettles Method

Easily the most popular method on our list, the Shettles Method was developed in the year 1960 by Doctor Landrum B. Shettles and rapidly gained success, being even the basis of the Dr.’s popular book “How to Choose the Sex of Your Baby”. 

The Shettles Method states that it is the differences between the chromosomes X and Y – and thus the sperm that carries them – what is the deciding factor in order to succeed in being able to choosing a baby boy – or baby girl for that matter.

Sperm carrying the chromosome Y – the male gene – tends to be faster, but also more fragile overall compared to the ones carrying the chromosome X according to this method, which is why in order to successfully conceive a baby boy, the Shettles Method recommends that couples should plan intercourse for the period near the ovulation, and when it occurs, penetration should be as deep as possible, in order to maximize the advantage that male sperms can have due to their speed. 

In addition to all of this, the method recommends heavily that the woman should try to achieve orgasm during intercourse in order to make the vaginal cavity more alkaline, thus making it easier for the male sperms to navigate, greatly increasing the chances of conceiving a baby boy that way.

The Baretta Method

Known across almost all countries in Latin America, the Baretta Method of “gender selection” was developed by Argentinean biochemist Adriana Baretta, and its basis lies in that in order to successfully choose the sex of a baby, the woman will need to follow a strict diet in order to favor certain minerals, while at the same time following-up closely her ovulation cycles.

The specific minerals that the Baretta Method involves are sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium, with their interrelationship being the crucial factor here. That said, in order to favor the conception of a baby boy all of these minerals should be ingested, except that the proportion of sodium and potassium will need to be lower than the one of calcium and magnesium.

The Whelan Method

While it can be the least-effective method, there are couples that have attested to its effectiveness, even though it contradicts the Shettles Method almost directly.

What the Whelan Method states is that all the biochemical changes that will favor the conception of a baby boy during a woman’s cycle – mainly related to temperatures – tend to happen not at the moment of ovulation itself, but quite some time before it occurs. 

That said, this method recommends that in order to conceive a baby boy, couples should plan intercourse for up to six days before ovulation, when the basal body temperature is at its highest.

However, one caveat of this method is that the couple needs to track the woman’s basal temperature very rigorously, or otherwise make use of an ovulation kit in order to determine the time of ovulation with as much precision as possible.

Final Thoughts

Three methods. Three different approaches all formulated with the same purpose, to help couples determine the sex of their future babies with as much precision as possible. And while none of them might be considered an exact science, they each have impressive amounts of testimonials from people claiming to have found success thanks to them. 

For this alone, all of these techniques are worth trying by any couple looking forward to have a baby boy.

Apr 12, 2012

Gender Predictor - Exciting Ways To Predict A Boy Or Girl

Achieving pregnancy is without a doubt one of the most cherished dreams for every couple out there, and once they accomplish it, for a great number of them quite a bit of time is spent trying to know the gender of their baby.

Because of this urge on the part of the parents to learn about their babies’ genders, a series of methods have become popular among couples that, while not ensuring 100 percent accuracy, can definitely provide a good approximation of what the baby’s gender will be. 

There are also a few other methods that in some way help couples predict their babies’ gender by trying to manipulate it at the moment of conception. Let’s take a look at a few gender predictor techniques, some popular, some exotic and a few just plain odd.

Methods To Predict The Gender Of The Baby During Pregnancy

Balancing the chain: A cute little method started somewhere in Europe. It involves a child – not necessarily the couple’s child –a soon-to-be mom and a small chain with ring or a cross hanging from it. 

What the woman needs to do is lie down on bed and have the child shake the chain quite vigorously above her belly and then stop moving his/her suddenly and let the chain slow down by itself until it stops. 

If the chain keeps balancing in a round shape, then the baby will be a girl, if it keeps balancing in straight lines, then the baby will be a boy.

Dreams of the mom-to-be: Usually pregnant women tend to have quite unique dreams, but if by any chance one dreams of geometric forms or shapes or objects while pregnant, round shapes will mean a little girl is coming, while square or pointy ones will mean a baby boy is on his way.

Defined cravings: In some cultures in Latin America it is believed that if the mom starts craving for mostly sweet stuff, then that means that the baby will be a little girl, while if she starts craving for acid or salty foods, then the coming baby will be a boy.

Methods To Predict The Babies Gender Before or During Pregnancy

The Chinese board: The Chinese board is perhaps one of the most popular methods for predicting babies’ genders all over the world. It is based heavily on the Chinese calendar and due to the way it works, it is also used a lot by couples to try to actually choose the gender of their baby even before conception. 

Now, while this method has some variants around the world, it generally involves the age of the woman and the month of the year in which she got – or plans to get – pregnant. There is also a small table/board that can be printed and that is used to better use/understand this method.

While on this note, it is also worth mentioning that there exists a very similar method of predicting the baby’s gender, which is the Mayan board, which also involves knowing both the age of the woman and the month in which she will conceive. However, while definitely similar in their approach, this method differs from its Chinese counterpart in some aspects, which makes them worth considering separately.

Math games: There are actually two quite known methods that involve some math in order to determine the baby’s sex. One is the Gipsy method, used quite heavily in some regions of Asia and that involves adding up both the age of the woman and the number of the month (1 - 12) in which she got pregnant. 

If the result is a pair number, then the child will be a boy, if it is an odd one, then the baby will be a girl. Another math game – of unknown origin this time – involves simply adding up the age of the woman, the number of the month in which she was born and the number of the month in which she got pregnant. 

A result with pair number will mean the baby will be a girl, and a result with an odd number will mean a boy is coming.

To sum up, there are certainly a variety of methods all over that people use to try to predict and even choose the gender of their babies. 

Scientific evidence that backs any of them will be hard to come by, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t work or that they can’t at least be somewhat effective, especially when in so many cases they have survived for generations, which at least proofs that they might have something going on in their favor.

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Apr 11, 2012

Shettles Method - Does It Really Help With Gender Selection?

In the year 1960, Doctor Landrum B. Shettles developed the Shettles Method, a method that even nowadays is one of the most popular amongst couples when it comes to choosing their baby’s gender before conception. 

During the past few decades since the development of his method, several editions of Dr. Shettles book “How to Choose the Sex of Your Baby” have been published and sold, which renders at least a decent amount of credibility to Dr. Shettles findings. 

What is even more, the book sports hundreds of reviews and appraisals from couples who have effectively succeeded in choosing the gender of their baby using the Shettles Method, granting it an impressive level of effectiveness that ranges between 75% and 90%.

However, there are those who oppose Dr. Shettles findings, claiming that there is no sufficient scientific proof that can attest for the method’s effectiveness, and that the method might even make conception more difficult than it should be.

Behind the Shettles Method

As is well known, the ovum carries the chromosome X which, if fertilized by a sperm carrying the X chromosome as well, the resulting baby will be a little girl, while if fertilized by a sperm carrying the chromosome Y will result in a little baby boy.

The basis of the Shettles Method lies in the differences between sperm particles with either the X or the Y chromosome. The method states that sperm with the male chromosome (just “male sperm” from here onwards) is faster than the “female sperm” but is at the same time both weaker and smaller. 

Considering this, the Shettles Method issues a series of recommendations as to how to perform the sexual act – including time, posture and other specific suggestions – in order to optimize the “environment” for the sperm within the vaginal cavity.

Thus, the Shettles Method – depending on whether couples wishes for a baby boy or a baby girl – recommends the following:
To conceive a baby boy: In order to conceive a baby boy the main characteristics of the chromosome Y – the one that carries the male gender – need to be considered. According to the Shettles Method, the sperm carrying this chromosome is, faster, but also smaller and overall more fragile, even dying more easily than the ones carrying the chromosome X. Thus, the Shettles Method recommends having intercourse during the days near the ovulation. 

Additionally, it is recommended for penetration to be as deep as possible in order to provide sperm with an additional advantage for it to reach the ovum faster. As for the woman, it is recommended for her to achieve orgasm during intercourse, thus making the vaginal cavity more alkaline, providing sperm with the ideal “environment” for conception.
To conceive a baby girl: One the other hand, we have sperm that carries the chromosome X – the one responsible for the female gender. The sperm carrying this chromosome tends to be slower, but also stronger overall, staying alive within the uterus for longer periods of time. 

The Shettles Method recommends couples hoping to conceive a baby girl to have intercourse around two or three days before ovulation, making it almost impossible for sperms carrying the chromosome Y to survive when the ovum is ready to conceive. 

Additionally, the Shettles Method recommends that penetration in this case should be shallow, and that the woman should avoid achieving orgasm, thus making the vaginal cavity a little bit more acid. All of this will maximize the chances of conceiving a baby girl.

Further Considerations

The Shettles Method also provides some very specific recommendations that can improve the chances of success for couples seeking to decide the sex of their babies.

One of these recommendations in particular deserves some attention and cautionary words due to its potentially harmful effects. Regarding the vaginal cavity, at some point the Shettles Method recommends to performs special cleansing sessions in order to make the vaginal cavity either more acid or alkaline. However, while these cleansing sessions might prove effective, if not performed in the right way they might harm a woman.

That said, while there will always be detractors of this or almost any other method to choose one’s baby’s gender, the truth is that methods like the Shettles one are almost entirely harmless, based on a certain level of logic and most of all, supported by thousands of couples who have successfully implemented it.

Considering this, any couple considering using this method to choose the gender of their baby can safely implement it as long as it is done carefully and in an informed way.

Apr 10, 2012

Do Ovulation Tests Take The Guesswork Out Of Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is definitely one of the most cherished stages that every couple looks forward to during marriage. However, as simple as it might be for some couples to achieve pregnancy, there are several others that struggle and go to great lengths in order to get there. For these couples there are a few aids available on the market that can help them greatly increase the chances of achieving pregnancy in a natural way.

One of the most popular among these aids is the ovulation test, which is also one of the most precise out there, allowing women to know and anticipate the time at which the chances of getting pregnant is highest. What is even more, ovulation tests are widely available and can be used at the comfort of one’s own home.

There are two varieties of ovulation tests in the market, the ovulation test strip and the midstream ovulation test. Both are almost equally accurate, although the strip ovulation test is definitely more popular.

Let’s take a better look at what an ovulation test is and how exactly it can help couples achieve their dreams of becoming a family.

What Is An Ovulation Test?

Every healthy woman goes through two days during her menstrual cycle during which she is most likely to be able to conceive. During this period of time, the luteinizing hormone (LH) – which is a clear indicator of a woman’s fertility and which is present in her urine – surges dramatically. The most common type of ovulation tests are made to detect the LH surge in a woman’s body with an impressive accuracy rate of more than 99%.

Once the LH level is at its maximum, ovulation tends to happen between 12 to 48 hours afterwards, which is why this information can be so valuable. With this knowledge, women can thus anticipate their peak fertility days and couples can plan intercourse accordingly in order to take maximum advantage of this fertile period.

How To Perform An Ovulation Test

Even though each of the ovulation tests discussed above need to be performed differently, the accuracy of the results will usually be the same when comparing one against the other.

In order to perform the ovulation test using the ovulation test strips, a small clean container has to be filled with a woman’s urine. Then one should dip one strip into the urine for at least 30 seconds – the minimum time needed for the strip to absorb the LH – in order to obtain valid results. After that, the strip should be placed on a clean surface for an average of five minutes.

During this time one should carefully look for subtle changes in the color of the strip. Every brand tends to be a bit different in the way in which they measure their results, but in average the darker the more likely the woman is close to – or already – ovulating.

As for the midstream ovulation test, this type of test is quite similar to common pregnancy test s available on the market. In these tests urine just needs to be placed on the test kit, which after about three to five minutes afterwards, will provide accurate results.

When Should You Take The Test

While both ovulation tests can be performed at any time, here are a few recommendations for meeting the ideal conditions before performing them.

For the midstream ovulation test it is highly advisable to avoid urinating 3 – 4 hours before the test. The early hours of the morning are ideal for performing the test since urine tends to be concentrated at this time of the day, providing for better accuracy.

When using ovulation test strips the same applies, although it would also be acceptable to perform the test at any time during the day as long as the woman hasn’t urinated for a few hours before performing it.

Needless to say, in both the case of the ovulation test strips and of the midstream ovulation test, women need to know their organisms and their own menstrual cycle so as to determine the best time period during the month in which taking the test will provide best results.

As a final tip, women planning on performing an ovulation test should avoid drinking too much water or urinating too frequently a few hours before and after taking the test, since this might affect its accuracy.

The Advantage Of An Informed Decision

While some might consider performing tests like these unnecessary, the truth is that by taking an ovulation test at the right time and in the right way ensures couples have the most accurate information, which in turn helps them plan accordingly. And in the end, those with proper planning will always have the best chances of achieving pregnancy.